Lillian McClintock
Lillian has loved performing her entire life and at the age of four became The Voice Singing School's youngest student. She became the inspiration for what is now known as The Little Voice Singing School, catering to many young and upcoming little singers. Since then she has grown into a well seasoned performer receiving such awards as, the Susan Grinsell Most Promising Vocalist award at The Townsville Eisteddfod. Lilli is also an active member of the local theatre community appearing in productions such as, ‘Wednesday’ in the Addams Family musical, ‘Queen Iduna’ in Frozen Jr and ‘Pinky Tuscadero’ in the upcoming Happy Days. Lillian has graduated from The Voice Singing School's teacher training program and coupled with Lillian’s years of singing education and performance experience, she has become a valuable asset to the teaching team and her students.